Mully is an inspiring documentary about Charles Mully, a one-time orphan on the streets of Kenya. The documentary, narrated by Mully, takes us through his rags-to-riches story of how...
Earlier this year, a video of tiny white worms coming out of strawberries plunged in saltwater went viral. The video starts with a person taking a tray of fresh...
I admit something that only my mother and immediate family know; I’m a picky eater. So what makes me a picky eater? I eat to enjoy a meal, not...
Over the years, I’ve worked with well over 100+ start-ups, entrepreneurs, and businesses. They initially hire us to help them find their “voice” and clarity as a company or...
Looking back, getting fired was one of the best things that’s happened to me professionally. But, at the time, it seemed like anything but a blessing. It was a...
Growing up, I remember many mom and pop stores having this small little tray in front of the register. The little tray was a tea-dish size and had a...
Before marrying, my wife and I discussed expectations. This exercise was very healthy as we all bring a distinctive worldview into any relationship. We talked about how we grew...
A couple of years ago, our family decided to get a dog. We looked at various options but eventually opted to adopt from the local animal shelter. After weeks...
A couple of months ago, my parents decided they were selling their home in Florida and moving closer to my sister in Georgia. In a matter of weeks, they...
Over the past couple of years, I have a sporadically reoccurring dream that never made sense. The situations are never quite the same, but the emotions I feel are....