A new debate over a long-standing issue is currently circulating in the new government, the forgiveness of student loan debt. This topic is tumultuous because Americans have amassed over...

Trashing Tulips

Tulipomania is an event about how in 1636, the Dutch economy collapsed over the excessive and overhyped tulip trading market. In 1841 Scottish author Charles MacKay, wrote about how...

Time to Change

This past week I set my clock back an hour as mandated by Daylight Saving Time. Like so many, this time change threw my routine off, which affected me...

Ready To Die

Free Burma Rangers is a documentary following the life and mission of David Eubank and his family. David was born in Texas and grew up as the son of...

Dump The Bucket List

The Bucket List, a movie starring Jack Nicholson and Morgan Freeman, is about two terminally ill men fulfilling a wish list of things to do before they “kick the bucket.” The two men, distinctly different,...
Not long ago, I had the privilege of volunteering to work on the Explore God campaign for our city. It’s a city-wide initiative that takes hundreds of hours, thousands...