Last night I attended the “Explore God” open forum. Speakers Ravi Zacharias and Abdu Murray held an open forum for thousands of people and gave brief talks on the...
I have this trusty headlamp I use for many things. The reason I bought this in the first place was mainly for camping. This headlamp sits conveniently on my...
As a CMO (Chief Marketing Officer), I consult for companies to create strategies for their company branding and messaging. In order to do my job effectively, I make it...
One of my bucket list items was to rebuild a car from the ground up. The dream became a reality when one day I discovered my neighbor had an...
Not long ago, a good friend and mentor passed away after years of struggling with various health issues. Throughout the years, we had many conversations on topics such as...
In my early teens I was a scrawny kid looking to build my self-esteem. I was naturally drawn to bodybuilding as all of the people I saw were fantastically...
In 1945, Communists took control of Romania as well as the churches. Seeing this, Pastor Richard Wurmbrand ( Founder of The Voice of The Martyrs) began an “underground” ministry...
The food was great, the guests fantastic and overall, we had a great time. Many said it would go by in a flash. It seemed everyone had a...
It irks me whenever I hear someone say, “Happy Wife, Happy Life”. The reason is because happiness is transient. Happiness is based on your circumstance in the moment. It’s...
Not too long ago one of my sons had an issue with a “friend” at school. It seems that although he called himself a friend, he kept doing...