In 1979 a passenger jet carrying 257 people left New Zealand for a sightseeing flight to Antarctica. As the pilots prepared to take flight, they were unaware of a...

Give Yourself Away

Mully is an inspiring documentary about Charles Mully, a one-time orphan on the streets of Kenya. The documentary, narrated by Mully, takes us through his rags-to-riches story of how...

What Was That?

“What was that?” my father said. It seems that for the past couple of years, my father’s hearing has deteriorated but refused to acknowledge the loss. He’ll say that...

Ready To Die

Free Burma Rangers is a documentary following the life and mission of David Eubank and his family. David was born in Texas and grew up as the son of...

Picky Eater

Almost two years ago, my kids asked for a dog. They were insistent, and after many discussions and promises on their part, we adopted one from the local shelter....

The Good Word

Some time ago, I was impressed by a woman at work and her work ethic. Curious, I asked her how she found joy in her job. Without hesitation, she...