Today we have the convenience of flipping on a switch for instant light. Before electricity, a fire was the only way for people to illuminate the darkness. People...
  As a kid, I one day decided I was going to make a rocket-powered skateboard like in the cartoons. The logic seemed simple enough; fire equals propulsion. The...
  Recently the printer at home doesn’t stop because the kids are now homeschooling since the cancellation of school. This situation results in them having to print almost all...

No Perfect Time

  Looking out my window, I watch as my children run around the yard and chase each other. I smile, listening to their conversations and imaginations run wild. When...
  Driving by the port, I took notice of the massive cargo ships lining the shore. If you’ve stopped to take note, there are some markings on the hull...

Run Your Race

  Chariots of Fire is a movie based on the true story of two very different men competing in the 1924 Summer Olympics in Paris. Eric Liddell (Ian Charleson),...
  Recently I was making decisions and changes based on a conversation with a colleague but didn’t feel comfortable. Discouraged by second-guessing myself all week, my mind was exhausted...