Out Of Funds

  • April 19, 2020
  Recently the government passed a massive stimulus plan to keep the economy going. Part of this plan included the Paycheck Protection Program. The Paycheck Protection Program is a...
Undercover Boss is a television franchise series that features senior executives working undercover in their own companies to investigate how their companies work. They go in “undercover” to evaluate...

Shallow Roots

  • April 16, 2020
  A neighbor of mine decided she was going to plant a Paperbark Maple tree. A Paperbark Maple is a type of tree that has soft green leaves that...
  Growing up, my father ingrained into me how to “seek.” Whenever I would ask him where something was, he would say, “Go look for it until you find...

Bad Company

  • April 11, 2020
There’s this saying in Spanish, “Dime con quién andas, y te diré quién eres.” Translated this means tell me who you’re associating or hanging out with, and I’ll tell...