The Power of Perseverance The movie Unbroken recounts the true-life story of Louie Zamperini and his perseverance to overcome. From an early age, Louie would get into trouble. Seeing...
Washed Away Florida is well known for its long and varied stretches of beaches. Its coastline is so vast that it’s like driving from Miami, Florida, to Fort Worth,...
Over the years, I’ve owned many different kinds of cars, from Honda’s to Porsche and Cadillacs to Chevy. Regardless of the make or model, I’ve learned that a few...
After submitting my initial plans for a backyard pergola, the city denied the request for a permit based on a few requirements. The most critical element to receiving a...
I grew up during the rise of the video game era. I still remember the very first video game console my dad bought, a ColecoVision. The moment he plugged...
Many years ago, my wife and I took a trip to Chile. The idea was to tour my native country and explore new places wherever the road took us...
I recently heard a talk from a clinical health psychologist discussing the brain’s intricacies and the effects of trauma. During her discussion, she mentions how traumatic events tie our...
If you’ve been reading these devotionals regularly, you’ll remember I’ve mentioned issues with my computer. Not long ago, I encountered the dreaded “white screen of death” on my iMac....
Not long ago, I wrote about having issues with my computer. The problem was concerning a time when my wife went to turn it on. As the computer booted...
Galileo Galilei is considered the father of modern science and made significant contributions to physics, astronomy, cosmology, mathematics, and philosophy. Most notably, Galileo is better known for providing evidence...