Over the years, I’ve met extraordinary people, but a few tend to stand out more than others. One of those people was my school friend Clayton. Clayton is an individual obsessed with comic books. As far back as I met him, he was always drawing superheroes from well-known comics—his sketchbooks overflowing with these characters.

One day during still life art class, one of the professors commented to Clayton that he had a “stylistic” way of drawing. I remember it was he then went on to say it was somewhat “cartoony” with heavy outlines, and that it was more appropriate for comic book art. Without hesitation, Clayton said, “Well, that’s what I want to do, draw comics for a living.”

After we graduated from middle school and high school, Clayton attended formal art school, eventually landing a job in the comic book industry. Today he’s a respected and well-accomplished artist in the industry. I admire the level he’s developed his craft, and every one of his drawings is a work of art. What’s more, he makes it look so easy.

Clayton’s story reminds me of how we all have God-given talents and gifts and an opportunity to follow our dreams. We are each uniquely made to accomplish the mission given to us while on this earth. It’s our responsibility to develop and uncover this not for ourselves, but rather, for His glory and others’ benefit.

Daily Directive:

Answer and Journal the Following


Read and meditate on 1 Peter 4:10-11 for yourself. 


Take inventory of your gifts and talents and make a list. How are you using them? Be real; be honest.

Meditate / Make It Real:

Pray and create a plan on how you will use these talents and gifts for the benefit of others.

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