Free Burma Rangers is a documentary following the life and mission of David Eubank and his family. David was born in Texas and grew up as the son of Christian missionaries in Thailand before attending Texas A&M University and then serving as a U.S. Army Special Forces and Ranger officer. Promoted by God, in 1997, with the help of a Karen medic, Eliya, and many other ethnic leaders in Burma, they started Free Burma Rangers (FBR).

As our men’s group watched this documentary, we were amazed at the FBR’s commitment and sacrifice to bring help, hope, and love to people in the conflict zones of Burma, Iraq, and Sudan in the name of Jesus Christ. Moment after moment, we witnessed how they placed their own lives at risk to save others regardless of their ethnicity or religious background.

On many occasions, they face what they believe is imminent death and are prepared to die for their cause. On a few occasions, the teams take heavy fire and are badly wounded yet survive. At one point during the movie, the interviewer asks him why he does this. David emotionally replies with, “It’s right. It’s love. It’s God. Once you give your life out for love, you just want to be with this person again.” What’s more, he always gives the glory to God.

Their story is a testament to what it truly means to love one another. This kind of agape love is what God commands us to have for others. To love others convicted in knowing we are all precious to God, and he seeks for all to be saved. It’s our job to present this truth lovingly and sacrificially. This commitment requires us to lay aside our fear of sharing Christ with others regardless of the consequences.

Daily Directive:

Answer and Journal the Following


Read and meditate on Luke 4:18-19.


What is God calling you to do in order to share the gospel with others? Pray and ask God for the courage and way to do this.

Meditate / Make It Real:

Determine how you will love and sacrifice yourself for the name of Jesus.

Share / Show:

Share and show what you’ve learned with someone else.


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