“Homestead Rescue” is a reality TV show based on the ways Marty, Matt, and Misty Raney use their building, farming, and hunting expertise to help people who strive to...
A few months ago, I enjoyed a great time of fellowship and food alongside fellow brothers at our retreat. It was a great group of men gathering to study,...
Growing up, my father taught me to be a handyman. I remember waking up on weekends, and my father telling me it was “time to get to work.” He...
In 1859, at the age of 34, Charles Blondin decided he would be the first man to walk a tightrope stretched across Niagara Falls. This daredevil act required him...
My eldest is entering into his teens, and changes are starting to occur rather rapidly. These changes are things like personal preferences to music, physical changes, and personality adjustments....
Galileo Galilei is considered the father of modern science and made significant contributions to physics, astronomy, cosmology, mathematics, and philosophy. Most notably, Galileo is better known for providing evidence...
Growing up, I attended magnet schools for art. The schools selected a specific number of students every year, and the classes were small. The fact our group classes were...
Lately, my boys and I have been riding our bikes together almost every day. It’s been enjoyable for all four of us to head out and take to the...