Hold On Tight A fond memory of all my kids when they were newborns is their hands tightly gripping my thumb. Whether they were feeding, sleeping, or holding them,...

Adopted by God

Ben-Hur: A Tale of the Christ is an 1880 novel by American author Lew Wallace. It’s a story about the life of a young Jewish prince named Judah Ben-Hur and...
  Many generations ago, men’s responsibilities included both spiritual and physical provision for his family. Over time, however, men’s roles diminished to be primarily financial and material providers, with...
  As I channel surfed, I came across the “Shaq Life” show. Curious, I stuck around. Interestingly enough, this one episode was on fatherhood. In the episode, he alludes...
  Recently many small businesses have suffered losses due to the quarantine orders. Thousands have gone under while others are barely hanging on. Not surprisingly, all small business owners...

Hang On!

  • April 27, 2020
I’m a mountain man. I love the towering heights of those massive rocks and thinking about the intense forces required to form them. As such, we quite often take...

Take Time To Roar

  • April 22, 2020
  Like all newborns, my children also cried to express different needs. Whether it was hunger, fatigue, or discomfort, crying was the way they communicated. At first, it was...