Today we have the convenience of flipping on a switch for instant light. Before electricity, a fire was the only way for people to illuminate the darkness. People...
  As a kid, I one day decided I was going to make a rocket-powered skateboard like in the cartoons. The logic seemed simple enough; fire equals propulsion. The...

Hang On!

  • April 27, 2020
I’m a mountain man. I love the towering heights of those massive rocks and thinking about the intense forces required to form them. As such, we quite often take...

Not Her Time To Go

  • April 20, 2020
  In a world of negative news and doomsday messages, I recently read about a 102-year-old Kentucky woman surviving the coronavirus. Virginia Harris, who lives in Hopkins County, was...

Out Of Funds

  • April 19, 2020
  Recently the government passed a massive stimulus plan to keep the economy going. Part of this plan included the Paycheck Protection Program. The Paycheck Protection Program is a...
It seems that lately, social distancing is the primary way of minimizing the impact of spreading illness. Social distancing is the deliberate act of increasing the physical space between...
During a recent men’s group gathering, a fellow brother told us about a video he recently saw. In the video, persecuted Chinese Christians were overcome with joy and moved...