Don’t be a caveman. On the evening of December 18, 2004, in the southwest of France, Jean-Luc Josuat-Vergès wandered underground caves of an abandoned mushroom farm and got lost. Josuat-Vergès...

Bad Company

  • April 11, 2020
There’s this saying in Spanish, “Dime con quién andas, y te diré quién eres.” Translated this means tell me who you’re associating or hanging out with, and I’ll tell...
It seems that lately, social distancing is the primary way of minimizing the impact of spreading illness. Social distancing is the deliberate act of increasing the physical space between...

Untrusted advisors

  • February 27, 2020
  Late in my last year of 6th grade there was an issue with our neighborhood and needed to sell our home. At this time my parents decided it...

More face, less book

  • February 19, 2020
  I recently reconnected with a childhood friend after more than 20 years. Occasionally I’d hear rumors about where he was but couldn’t reach him. Every once in a...