The Power of Perseverance The movie Unbroken recounts the true-life story of Louie Zamperini and his perseverance to overcome. From an early age, Louie would get into trouble. Seeing...
Expiration Date Hungry and looking for a quick and easy snack, I headed to the kitchen to make myself a peanut butter sandwich. I pulled out the peanut butter...
Rehydrate and Refresh Your Life The other day while watching a survivalist show, the host started talking about the limits and pitfalls of starvation. He said there’s no hard...
The Power of a River A few years ago, while vacationing in the Smokey Mountains area, the family and I decided to venture out and visit a local river...
Reject the Fake If you’re not familiar with Patek Philippe, they are one of the world’s oldest Swiss luxury watch and clock manufacturers. Partners Antoni Patek and Adrien Philippe...
No Greater Love Saving Private Ryan is a film by Steven Speilberg depicting how WWII Captain John Miller (Tom Hanks) takes his men behind enemy lines searching for Private...
Washed Away Florida is well known for its long and varied stretches of beaches. Its coastline is so vast that it’s like driving from Miami, Florida, to Fort Worth,...
Hidden Danger After packing up and heading back home from our camping trip, I decided to make a pit stop and take my son to Lake Okeechobee. This visit...
Hold On Tight A fond memory of all my kids when they were newborns is their hands tightly gripping my thumb. Whether they were feeding, sleeping, or holding them,...
The Real Deal “Grandad, I would like something to remember you by. Something personal I could have. It doesn’t have to be anything particular.” I said. “Well, what do...