The Ultimate Con-Man In 2002, “Catch Me if You Can,” a movie directed by Steven Spielberg, mesmerized audiences and took home multiple awards and accolades. The film translates Frank...
We Need Meat Not Milk. Over the years, there’s been much talk about the importance of breastmilk for babies. Although the debates sometimes seem to go on, there’s no...
In the early 1500s, almost everyone believed Earth was the center of the universe. However, a Polish scientist named Nicolaus Copernicus believed differently. Contrary to popular opinion, when Copernicus...
I’ve always been a big watch guy. I still remember going to the department store to buy my very first watch, a Swatch Watch (yes, I’m dating myself). After...
Don’t be a caveman. On the evening of December 18, 2004, in the southwest of France, Jean-Luc Josuat-Vergès wandered underground caves of an abandoned mushroom farm and got lost. Josuat-Vergès...
There it is again, the dreaded “software update” notification that pops up on the right-hand screen of my computer as I type away. It seems that almost everything I...
If you’ve ever watched a kid’s cereal commercials, you’ll see little leprechauns, tigers, rabbits, or other cartoonish figures hocking sugar-loaded cereal made chiefly of refined carbs. If you’ve listened...
“See, all of those weeds and ugly plants are growing over the nicer ones. Can we just rip them out?” my wife asked. “Yes, we can, but the weeds...
As I surveyed the lawn, I noticed the grass was drying up. The soil was sandy, and the grass blades were turning brown. It’s been a few months since...
In 1785, John Adams, one of the first U.S Ambassadors, received the call to go to London to present his credentials to King George III himself. This request was...