A few years ago, there was a movie that spoke volumes to me. It was The Tree of Life, written and directed by Terrence Malick. This unconventional film challenged...
In the documentary, A Story of Healing, five nurses, four anesthesiologists, and three plastic surgeons travel over 30 hours to a province in Vietnam from the United States to help...
A new debate over a long-standing issue is currently circulating in the new government, the forgiveness of student loan debt. This topic is tumultuous because Americans have amassed over...
Tulipomania is an event about how in 1636, the Dutch economy collapsed over the excessive and overhyped tulip trading market. In 1841 Scottish author Charles MacKay, wrote about how...
On February 7, 2021, quarterback Tom Brady made history when at 43, he secured his seventh Lombardi Trophy, two more than any player in NFL history and as the...
“Wow. This is so much more than I imagined.” said my wife. I nodded in agreement. “How much do you think each table costs?” she asked. “Thousands” I, said....
When I first started consulting for the animal hospital, I was somewhat overwhelmed by the staff’s size and trying to remember everyone’s job. It was important because I needed...
“See, all of those weeds and ugly plants are growing over the nicer ones. Can we just rip them out?” my wife asked. “Yes, we can, but the weeds...
As I surveyed the lawn, I noticed the grass was drying up. The soil was sandy, and the grass blades were turning brown. It’s been a few months since...
In 1785, John Adams, one of the first U.S Ambassadors, received the call to go to London to present his credentials to King George III himself. This request was...