Today we have the convenience of flipping on a switch for instant light. Before electricity, a fire was the only way for people to illuminate the darkness. People...
  As a kid, I one day decided I was going to make a rocket-powered skateboard like in the cartoons. The logic seemed simple enough; fire equals propulsion. The...
  Recently I was making decisions and changes based on a conversation with a colleague but didn’t feel comfortable. Discouraged by second-guessing myself all week, my mind was exhausted...
  LTJG Kaffee: Colonel Jessep! Did you order the Code Red?! Judge Randolph: You don’t have to answer that question! Col Jessep: I’ll answer the question. You want answers? LTJG Kaffee: I think...
  On the morning of August 5, 2010, Chilean miners working almost 2,500 feet below the Atacama Desert started feeling vibrations. Suddenly, there was a massive explosion, and the...
  My wife and I love dining at a popular local restaurant. Every time we go, the food is fantastic, the service is impeccable, and the ambiance perfect. No...

Bad Company

  • April 11, 2020
There’s this saying in Spanish, “Dime con quién andas, y te diré quién eres.” Translated this means tell me who you’re associating or hanging out with, and I’ll tell...