There’s an inspirational story out there of a small village on a rocky seacoast, where storms often battered, and seas were ever treacherous. Unfortunately, many ships crashed onto the...
My good friend Drake loves to travel with his family and recently took a trip to north Florida. More specifically, Cape Coral. While there, he and his family took...
  Over the years, I’ve made many friends who have served this country with honor and dedication. Along with this, come countless stories of sacrifices and fallen comrades. Today...
  Today we have the convenience of flipping on a switch for instant light. Before electricity, a fire was the only way for people to illuminate the darkness. People...
  LTJG Kaffee: Colonel Jessep! Did you order the Code Red?! Judge Randolph: You don’t have to answer that question! Col Jessep: I’ll answer the question. You want answers? LTJG Kaffee: I think...
  On the morning of August 5, 2010, Chilean miners working almost 2,500 feet below the Atacama Desert started feeling vibrations. Suddenly, there was a massive explosion, and the...