The Ultimate Con-Man In 2002, “Catch Me if You Can,” a movie directed by Steven Spielberg, mesmerized audiences and took home multiple awards and accolades. The film translates Frank...
We Need Meat Not Milk. Over the years, there’s been much talk about the importance of breastmilk for babies. Although the debates sometimes seem to go on, there’s no...
Growing up, I remember being entranced by the James Bond series of movies. James Bond was a character created by British author, journalist, and Naval Intelligence officer Ian Fleming....
As we sat there discussing recent adventures with our kids, one of the guys started to recount a recent camping trip he and his seven-year-old son took. He mentioned...
The Peanut Butter Falcon is a movie about two distinct but similar men that begins when Zak, a young man with Down syndrome, runs away from a nursing home. In...
In 2017, an exhibition of the early 20th-century artist Modigliani was shut down early after art critic and collector Carlo Pepi alerted the authorities that the paintings were likely,...
Today, there’s a lot of talk on immigration and how we need to limit those coming into the country. The reality is that many forgot that the United States...
In 1844, Alexandre Dumas published Les Trois Mousquetaires or, as we know it, The Three Musketeers. Ironically, The Three Musketeers is a historical and adventure novel about four swashbuckling heroes who lived during...
Thirteen years ago today, God blessed us with the arrival of our first son. His life is an example of faith beyond what I ever expected. Before his birth,...
Immediately after speaking with her, I drove over to pick-up the equipment. A generous woman from our church decided to donate a great deal of camping equipment for our...