A few years ago, there was a movie that spoke volumes to me. It was The Tree of Life, written and directed by Terrence Malick. This unconventional film challenged...
There’s an inspirational story out there of a small village on a rocky seacoast, where storms often battered, and seas were ever treacherous. Unfortunately, many ships crashed onto the...
A few years ago, I had the privilege of meeting one of the most inspiring men in my life. His name is James Drake, and we met at a...
The recent movie Blue Miracle by Netflix is an inspiring story of faith, perseverance, hope, and love. The movie takes some creative liberties in retelling the story of a group...
International Business Machines (IBM), nicknamed “Big Blue,” started as a conglomeration of several companies that focused on automating routine business transactions. Back then, these were the first companies to...
A couple of years ago, I received an invitation to pitch a new project. The project was to develop a new website for a luxurious waterfront condominium located on...
“It seems like you may need reading glasses.” said the optometrist. This revelation came as no surprise to me. For months I noticed I had to draw documents and...
The other night as we discussed our lives and the sometimes overbearing challenges we face, one of the men mentioned his desk. As we discussed these challenges over a...
Growing up, I remember being entranced by the James Bond series of movies. James Bond was a character created by British author, journalist, and Naval Intelligence officer Ian Fleming....
As a tea drinker, my mother kindly bought me a large box with an assortment of teas upon returning from her travels. The box contained mint tea, chamomile tea,...