As we were discussing protocol changes in the office with a colleague, she mentioned how we now had to accommodate to a “new normal.” She went on about...
Undercover Boss is a television franchise series that features senior executives working undercover in their own companies to investigate how their companies work. They go in “undercover” to evaluate...
A neighbor of mine decided she was going to plant a Paperbark Maple tree. A Paperbark Maple is a type of tree that has soft green leaves that...
Many, many years ago, I was browsing through some boxes in a garage sale when I discovered this exciting book. As I quickly skimmed the pages, it had...
“Honey, did you remember about the kid’s party next week?” my wife asked me. “What party?” I replied. “The one I told you about last night, remember?” “You...
There’s this saying in Spanish, “Dime con quién andas, y te diré quién eres.” Translated this means tell me who you’re associating or hanging out with, and I’ll tell...
Not too long ago one of my sons had an issue with a “friend” at school. It seems that although he called himself a friend, he kept doing...