Raising three boys all under the age of 12 can be a handful. They live for the moment, not thinking about tomorrow or the last five minutes. As such,...
The other night while channel surfing, I came across a fascinating documentary on PBS about falconry. The documentary follows the story of how falconer Lauren McGough, has practiced the...
“It’s the best, if not the best, roasted pork I’ve ever had.” Was what my step-father-in law said to me. My mother-in-law confirmed it by saying, “It’s true. He...
A friend of mine is the captain of a 90-foot yacht. He mentioned to me how the owner hired him based on his extensive experience with similar vessels and...
Many years ago, I discovered P90X. Up until then, I followed your typical gym routine of weights and sometimes dreaded cardio. As my life and priorities changed, I...
Not long ago, I switched back to drinking tea. I enjoy taking the tea leaves, stuffing them in a stainless steel filter, and then pouring the boiling water....
Like so many, in my teens, I entered a rebellious phase against my parents. Whether it was breaking curfew, underage drinking, speeding, or trying out smoking, I was...
One of my kids’ favorite activities is role-playing. Each one of them has a particular superhero costume. They love dressing up and imagining they’re flying through the air,...
“Come join me outside after breakfast; we’ve got work to do.” As a young teen, I dreaded the weekends. I knew that Saturday meant dad and I were...
For Mother’s Day this year, the boys and I decided to plant a garden for my mother-in-law. It was her wish to cultivate some herbs and other simple...