The Boring Journey

  • December 21, 2020
One of the longest and uneventful drives for me is leaving the State of Florida. Driving from Miami, Fl. to visit family in Georgia, takes us about eight hours...

Time to Change

This past week I set my clock back an hour as mandated by Daylight Saving Time. Like so many, this time change threw my routine off, which affected me...

Love The Haters

  • September 8, 2020
After fifteen years, my trusted laptop briefcase met its end. The handle just broke off right before I had a chance to lift it off the ground. It was...
As we discussed things we value most, fellow FX3® brother Jesus pointed to a collection of surfboards neatly organized on a stand behind him. He mentioned how he’d invested...
Not long ago, I had the privilege of volunteering to work on the Explore God campaign for our city. It’s a city-wide initiative that takes hundreds of hours, thousands...
“It’s the best, if not the best, roasted pork I’ve ever had.” Was what my step-father-in law said to me. My mother-in-law confirmed it by saying, “It’s true. He...