Barry Bremen is best known for his outrageous stunts as an imposter. Not surprisingly, he acquired the title The Great Imposter. During the late 1970s and early 1980s, Barry...
Every morning during my devotional time with God, I have a French press filled with hot water and tea at my side. Those not familiar with a French press,...
Many people are familiar with Thomas Edison as a genius inventor, but few people can name all his inventions. Unknowingly to many, a lot of these inventions were refined...
I couldn’t believe almost twenty years had passed since I bought that apartment. Nearly twenty years ago, I lived with my parents and saved money because I planned on...
We all recognize Martin Luther King Jr. as a prolific speaker and a key founder of the civil rights movement, but many don’t know that he almost didn’t pass...
After my kids went into the skate park, I took a seat on a nearby bench. As I reached into my shorts’ side pocket to pull out my AirPods,...
In 2014, NASA made history by sending a design file to the International Space Station’s 3-D printer to print a ratchet wrench. “In less than a week, the ratchet...
After fifteen years, my trusted laptop briefcase met its end. The handle just broke off right before I had a chance to lift it off the ground. It was...
Thirteen years ago today, God blessed us with the arrival of our first son. His life is an example of faith beyond what I ever expected. Before his birth,...
Tim Storms is the man with the Guinness record for the world’s deepest voice. Storms began his singing career in the Christian music shortly after graduating high school. Then,...