In the documentary, A Story of Healing, five nurses, four anesthesiologists, and three plastic surgeons travel over 30 hours to a province in Vietnam from the United States to help...
A new debate over a long-standing issue is currently circulating in the new government, the forgiveness of student loan debt. This topic is tumultuous because Americans have amassed over...
Tulipomania is an event about how in 1636, the Dutch economy collapsed over the excessive and overhyped tulip trading market. In 1841 Scottish author Charles MacKay, wrote about how...
On February 7, 2021, quarterback Tom Brady made history when at 43, he secured his seventh Lombardi Trophy, two more than any player in NFL history and as the...
As my next-door neighbor and I discussed upcoming home renovations and improvements to our homes, the conversation eventually turned toward another neighbor of ours. For almost a year, our...
As we sat there discussing recent adventures with our kids, one of the guys started to recount a recent camping trip he and his seven-year-old son took. He mentioned...
The Bucket List, a movie starring Jack Nicholson and Morgan Freeman, is about two terminally ill men fulfilling a wish list of things to do before they “kick the bucket.” The two men, distinctly different,...
For those unfamiliar with Evel Knievel, he was a hard-living, death-defying adventurer who went from convicted criminal to worldwide fame as a daredevil performer in the 1960s and ’70s....
Not long ago, my company started working with a start-up, and it was bittersweet. Over the years, I’ve worked with hundreds of start-ups ranging from digital currency providers to...
As we discussed things we value most, fellow FX3® brother Jesus pointed to a collection of surfboards neatly organized on a stand behind him. He mentioned how he’d invested...