Over the years, I’ve worked with well over 100+ start-ups, entrepreneurs, and businesses. They initially hire us to help them find their “voice” and clarity as a company or...
“Honey, have you seen how many weeds are growing in the yard?” my wife asked me. “Yea. It’s like they never take a break. I just treated that area...
Jorge and his entire family were devoted Christians to the church. I still recall the calm and welcoming demeanor of his parents and their love for Christ. Following in...
During the first years of our marriage, my wife and I decided to take a trip to my native country, Chile. We chose to split the journey into visiting...
Not long ago, I wrote about having issues with my computer. The problem was concerning a time when my wife went to turn it on. As the computer booted...
Over the years, I’ve held different roles and responsibilities in the church. I’ve done my best to walk in obedience when God has called, and I’ve learned never to...