Over the years, I’ve held different roles and responsibilities in the church. I’ve done my best to walk in obedience when God has called, and I’ve learned never to...
As part of Lifework Leadership, there is an annual Iron Chef competition. The cook-off requires program participants to separate into groups and compete against each other for the prize...
My good friend Drake loves to travel with his family and recently took a trip to north Florida. More specifically, Cape Coral. While there, he and his family took...
Recently I purchased a new compound bow. The bow came with calibration notes, signatures of approval, and information regarding the set-up. According to the manufacturer, the bow was ready...
My brother in Christ Phil is a true evangelist and missionary. Despite having a full-time job, he uses all of his resources to accomplish God’s will. As an employee...
For many years my office was located in Downtown Miami. For those unfamiliar with Miami, the center of downtown is considered a relic from the past. Downtown is home...
Raising three boys all under the age of 12 can be a handful. They live for the moment, not thinking about tomorrow or the last five minutes. As such,...
When we purchased our home almost twelve years ago, it came with a poinciana tree in the front yard. From the looks of it, the tree was planted...
One of my sons inclines towards doing work with his hands. He enjoys coming up with ideas and then building them from scratch. It was no surprise the...
As I was finishing my quiet time and sipping my warm tea, my ten-year-old son greeted me with a big hug, smile, and “good morning.” I asked him...